Jaya Raju
Prof. Jaya Raju | ||
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Designation | Honorary Professor |
Qualifications | BA (UNP); HDLS (UNP); MIS (UNP); PhD (UNP) | |
jaya.raju@uct.ac.za | ||
Tel | 021-650 3091 | |
Fax | 021-650 5497 |
NRF Rating
L Rating (due for re-application in 2014)
- Raju, J. and Dubbeld, C. 1989. Richard Rive: a select bibliography. Durban: E.G. Malherbe Library.
- Raju, J. and Dubbeld, C. 1989. Richard Rive: a select bibliography. Current writing: text and perception in southern Africa, 1(1): 56-65.
- Raju, J. 1989. Libraries, user privileges and the South African fiscal crisis. In Provision of library and information services in the 1980s: innovation and improvement. pp. 122-129. Durban: E.G. Malherbe Library, University of Natal.
- Raju, J. 2001. SAQA, the NQF and the education and training of library and information professionals and para-professionals. Arts research, 2: 81-91.
- Raju, J. 2003. LIS education and training and the job market in South Africa. In Ocholla,
- D.N. and Dube, L. (eds.). Towards popularizing library and information science research: proceedings of the 4th annual DLIS/LISA Conference. pp. 8-14. KwaDlangezwa: Department of Library and Information Studies, University of Zululand.
- Raju, J. 2003. General education in LIS education and training. Research of commerce bulletin (REBOC), 3: 51-74.
- Raju, J. 2003. The ‘core’ in library and/or information science education and training.
- Education for information, 21(4): 229-242. (peer-reviewed journal)
- Raju, J. 2004. First level library and/or information science qualifications at South African universities and technikons: a comparative study of curricula. South African journal of libraries and information science, 70(1): 9-19. (peer-reviewed journal)
- Raju, J. 2004. General education in library and/or information science education and training. Education for information, 22(2): 77-97. (peer-reviewed journal)
- Raju, J. 2004. The historical evolution of university and technikon education and training in South Africa: implications for articulation of LIS programmes. Innovation: journal of appropriate librarianship and information work in Southern Africa, 29: 1-12. (peer- reviewed journal)
- Raju, J. 2005. LIS education and training in South Africa: a historical review. South African journal of libraries and information science, 71(1): 69-79. (peer-reviewed journal)
- Raju, J. 2005. First level library and/or information science education and training at South African universities and technikons: developments in specialisation. South African journal of libraries and information science, 71(2): 164-175. (peer-reviewed journal)
- Raju, J. 2006. A careful blend of general and vocational education: is this still necessary in the education and training of the modern LIS professional? Proceedings of the Australian Library and Information Association 2006 Biennial Conference, Perth Convention Exhibition Centre, Perth, Western Australia, 19-22 September 2006 (peer- reviewed papers).
- Raju, R., Raju, J., Moodley, S. and Jagarnath, O. 2007. A department of Innovation in an LIS structure: a luxury or a necessity? Mousaion, 25(1): 99-116. (peer-reviewed journal)
- Raju, J. and Arsénault, C. 2007. First-level LIS education and training: a comparison between South Africa and Canada. Education for information, 25: 1-15. (peer-reviewed journal) (This is output resulting from collaboration between Jaya Raju and Professor Clement Arsenault from the University of Montreal, Canada – one of the collaborative ventures established during the 2005 study visit to Montreal, Canada.)
- Raju, R., Moodley, S.R., Jagarnath, O., Chetty, S. Shongwe, B. and Raju, J. 2007. The migration of integrated library systems with special reference to the rollout of Unicorn in the province of KZN. South African journal of libraries and information science, 73(2): 168-179. (peer-reviewed journal)
- Raju, J. 2008. LIS qualifications in an African context: considerations from a South African study. South African journal of libraries and information science, 74(2): 129-137. (peer-reviewed journal)
- Raju, J., Rajagopaul, A., Dlabantu, E. and Ngubane, S. 2008. University and university of technology graduates in the work place: comparison between LIS services and services of other selected disciplines. Mousaion, 26(2): 115-131 (peer-reviewed journal)
- Raju, J. 2008. Re-thinking boundaries in the African LIS work place: a contribution to the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals. Proceedings of the Eighteenth Standing Conference of East, Central and Southern African Library and Information Associations (SCECSAL), Mulungushi International Conference Centre, Lusaka, Zambia, 15-18 July 2008. (peer-reviewed papers).
- Raju, J. & Jacobs, C. 2009. Liberal arts and LIS paraprofessional education in the knowledge context: the cases of South Africa and Québec, Canada. Innovation: journal of appropriate librarianship and information work in Southern Africa, 38: 28-49. (peer- reviewed journal) (This is output resulting from collaboration between Jaya Raju and Christine Jacobs from John Abbott College, Montreal, Canada – one of the collaborative ventures established during the 2005 study visit to Montreal, Canada.)
- Raju, R. & Raju, J. 2010. The public library as a critical institution in South Africa’s democracy: a reflection. Libres: library and information science research electronic journal, 20(1). [Online open access peer reviewed journal]. Available WWW: http://libres.curtin.edu.au/
- Rajagopaul, A. & Raju, J. (corresponding author) 2011. Job functions of university and university of technology graduates and diplomates in special libraries and engineering firms: a comparison. Infotrends: an international journal of information & knowledge management, 1(1): 1-13. (peer-reviewed journal)
- Raju, R. & Raju, J. 2011. A crack in the ‘dam(ned)’ wall?: cooperation and collaboration among higher education libraries in South Africa. Innovation: journal of appropriate librarianship and information work in Southern Africa. 42: 79-97 (peer- reviewed journal)
- Naidoo, S. & Raju, J. (corresponding author) 2012. Impact of the digital divide on information literacy training in a higher education context. South African journal of libraries and information science, 78(1): 34-44. [Online open access peer reviewed journal]. Available WWW: http://sajlis.journals.ac.za/pub/article/view/46/39
Book publications:
- Raju, J. & Raju, R. 2006. Descriptive and subject cataloguing: a workbook. London: Chandos
- Raju, J. 2008. Rethinking boundaries in the African LIS work place: a contribution to the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals. In Njobvu, B. & Koopman, S. (eds.). Libraries and information services towards the attainment of the UN Millennium Development Goals (IFLA publication nr. 134). pp. 115-129. Munchen: K.G. Saur Verlag.
- Raju, R. and Raju, J. 2009. Current status of academic libraries in Africa. In Abdullahi, I.H. (Editor-in-Chief). Global library and information science: a textbook for students and educators (IFLA publication nr. 136/137). pp. 45-67. Munchen: K.G. Saur Verlag. Verlag.
- Raju, J. 1996. Library user education: a lecturer’s perspective. Paper read at a User Education Workshop, E.G. Malherbe Library, University of Natal, 26 September 1996.
- Raju, J. 1997. Technikon library and information education and training: addressing the issues of relevance and practicality. Paper read at the 1997 SAILIS Annual Conference (People and services: the challenge to remain relevant), University of Durban-Westville, 22-24 September 1997.
- Raju, J. 2000. SAQA and the education and training of library and information professionals. Paper read at the University of Natal (Durban) Libraries and LIASA (KZN Branch) Mini-Conference 2000 (Resources in a changing economic environment), University of Natal, 27-28 January 2000.
- Raju, J. 2003. LIS education and the job market in South Africa. Paper read at the Department of Library and Information Science, University of Zululand Annual Conference (Popularising LIS research and publications), University of Zululand, 8 September 2003. (Invited speaker)
- Raju, J. 2003. Never the twain shall meet?: Professional and paraprofessional LIS education and training in a changing information environment. Paper read at the 6th Annual LIASA Conference (Libraries as agents of change), Rustenberg, 23-26 September 2003.
- Raju, J. 2005. Getting your research published. Presentation at the RETIG-KZN Annual General Meeting, Durban (EML), 24 August 2005. (Invited speaker)
- Raju, J. 2006. Libraries: partners in learning, nation building and development. Presentation at the Launch of South African Library Week at The Art Gallery, Steve Biko Campus, Durban University of Technology, 13 March 2006. (Keynote address)
- Raju, J. 2006. A careful blend of general and vocational education: is this still necessary in the education and training of the modern LIS professional? Paper presented at the Australian Library and Information Association 2006 Biennial Conference, Perth Convention Exhibition Centre, Perth, Western Australia, 19-22 September 2006 (peer- reviewed paper). This paper was also presented (as a guest speaker presentation) at the: 8th Annual DLIS-LISA Conference, University of Zululand, 5 October 2007 and at the:Durban University of Technology 2008 Research Day, 20 September 2007.
- Raju, J. 2007. ILS: towards an alternative qualification model for information and libraries in the African context. Paper presented at the World Library & Information Congress/73rd IFLA General Conference and Council, International Convention Centre, Durban, South Africa, 19-23 August 2007.
- Raju, J. 2008. Re-thinking boundaries in the African LIS work place: a contribution to the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals. Paper presented at the Eighteenth Standing Conference of East, Central and Southern African Library and Information Associations (SCECSAL), Mulungushi International Conference Centre, Lusaka, Zambia, 15-18 July 2008.
- Jacobs, C. and Raju, J. 2008. Liberal arts in the education and training of LIS paraprofessionals: the cases of South Africa and Québec, Canada. Paper presented at the World Library and Information Congress: 74th IFLA General Conference and Council, Québec, Canada, 10-14 August 2008.
- Raju, J. 2009. From Library Science to Information Science to Knowledge Management: providing contexts for LIS research. Paper presented at the Retig-KZN Research Proposal Writing Seminar, Durban University of Technology, 24 April 2009. (Invited speaker)
- Moodley, S., Raju, J. & Raju, R. 2009. Evaluation of higher education libraries: the case of the Durban University of Technology Library. Paper presented at the Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries (QQML) International Conference, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania Conference Centre, Crete, Greece, 26-29 May 2009.
- Rajagopaul, A. & Raju, J. 2009. LIS qualifications: are these still necessary in the special libraries context? Paper presented at the 11th Annual LIASA Conference: Library and Information Services on the Move, Bloemfontein, South Africa, 28 September-02 October 2009.
- Raju, J. 2009. Crafting a research paper. Paper presented at the Faculty of Accounting and Informatics (Durban University of Technology) Research Seminar, Durban University of Technology, 29-30 October 2009.
- Raju, J. 2011. Getting in at the shallow end: research presentation for staff of Stellenbosch University Library, JS Gericke Library, Stellenbosch, 24 June 2011.
- Raju, J. 2011. Crafting a research paper: presentation for the Faculty of Communication and Information Science, National University of Science and Technology (Zimbabwe), Council Chamber, NUST, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, 30 June 2011.
- Naidoo, S. & Raju, J. 2011. Impact of the digital divide on information literacy training in a higher education context. Paper presented at the 13th Annual LIASA Conference: Dynamic Leadership for LIS, East London Convention Centre, East London, South Africa, 03 October – 07 October 2011.
- Raju, J. 2012. Turning LIS ideas from the work place into presentations and publications: presentation for staff of Stellenbosch University Library, JS Gericke Library, Stellenbosch, 16 March 2012.
- Raju, J. Viewing higher education information literacy through the African development lens. Paper presented at the 2012 LIS Research Symposium, University of South Africa, 26-27 July, 2012. (Keynote address)
- Raju, J. The LIS school in the ICT age: a casualty, or a catalyst for a paradigm shift? Paper presented at the 14th Annual LIASA Conference: Libraries Empowering Communities, Building a Nation, Durban International Convention Centre, Durban, South Africa, 01 October – 05 October 2012.
Workshop facilitation:
- Raju, J. (main facilitator) & Raju, R. 2010. Turning LIS ideas from the work place into a research paper: an introductory workshop for the LIASA Western Cape Branch, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 30 November 2010 (included compilation of a workshop workbook/manual).
- Raju, J. (main facilitator) & Raju, R. 2011. Turning LIS ideas from the work place into a research paper: follow-up workshop: crafting the research paper: two-day hands-on workshop for the LIASA Western Cape Branch, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 13 May 2011 and 15 June 2011.
- Raju, J. 2012. Librarian as researcher: the reflective practitioner. Workshop in the CHEC/CALICO Staff Development Programme, 10-13 July, Palm House, Wynberg, Western Cape, 11-13 July 2012 (included compilation of a workshop workbook/manual).
Research Awards
- National Research Foundation – Scholarship for doctoral study
- National Research Foundation – Equity grant for doctoral study
- TELP grant – for doctoral study
- National Research Foundation – Publication’s grant
- National Research Foundation – Supervisory grants (four)
- M.L.Sultan Technikon Research Grant – for doctoral study
- Thuthuka Programme (National Research Foundation)-Research grant for study (2005-2006) – Developing an LIS services work place model (short title)
Curriculum development:
Programme co-ordinator for the National Diploma: Library and Information Studies. This involved attending Programme Team Leaders’ workshops facilitated by Curriculum Development, reporting back to Programme Teams and implementing new curriculum development procedures e.g. drawing up of purpose statements and outcomes for individual instructional offerings in terms of NQF and SAQA requirements. Was responsible for co- ordinating the process of re-curriculation of LIS programmes into knowledge management programmes.
I was a member of the Interim Steering Committee involved in the setting up of an SGB in the LIS sector. Duties involved broad consultation in the setting up of the SGB as well as being part of a national team involved in going through the process of making application to SAQA for the setting up of the SGB.
Research supervision:
Since 1998 I successfully supervised 21 B.Tech. research projects in the Department of Library and Information Studies (DUT). On four occasions I was awarded NRF Supervisory grants for students doing research under myself. B.Tech. Research projects supervised:
- Ntshangase, L.T. 2008. A tracer study of Durban University of Technology graduates and diplomates in the Durban area.
- Makhathini, S. 2007. An investigation of the extent of the role of subject librarians in supporting the delivery of the academic programme at the Durban University of Technology.
- Nxumalo, P.M. 2007. A survey of issues surrounding gender in the LIS profession with particular reference to the Durban University of Technology Libraries.
- Zwane, N. 2007. A survey of the level of satisfaction among Durban University of Technology LIS students with the delivery of the academic programme.
- Dlabantu, E. 2006. A comparative study of the job functions of university and university of technology graduates in the staff structures of selected public library services and newspaper houses in the Durban area. (R12 000 NRF-DUT grant holder bursary)
- Makunike, T.A.D. 2006. An investigation into the effectiveness of INNOPAC MILLENNIUM as an integrated library system at the Jokomo Yamada Library of the Africa University, Zimbabwe.
- Ngubane, S. 2006. A comparative study of the job functions of university and university of technology graduates in the staff structures of selected academic library services and health care services in the Durban area. (R12 000 NRF-DUT grant holder bursary)
- Rajagopaul, A. 2006. A comparative study of the job functions of university and university of technology graduates in the staff structures of selected special library services and engineering firms in the Durban area. (R12 000 NRF-DUT grant holder bursary)
- Khomo, M. 2005. An investigation into membership of the Library and Information Association of South Africa (LIASA) among library workers in academic libraries in the Durban area.
- Nene, M. 2005. An investigation of the extent of the use of the Internet service of the Cato Crest Public Library by Mayville High School learners.
- Nyawose, S. 2004. An investigation of the usage of the Durban Chamber of Commerce and Industry Library by staff members.
- Sogoni, N. 2004. Women in management in academic libraries in the Eastern Cape: progression of women beyond the glass ceiling?
- Ngcobo, M. 2003. An investigation of the use of the Westville Public Library by young adults in the Westville areas
- Mpumlwana, D. 2003. A comparative study into the use of Internet facilities and print media by third-year Durban Institute of Technology, Faculty of Commerce, Institute of Marketing Management students.
- Mtshali, N. 2001. An investigation of the role of the Durban Metropolitan Libraries in combating adult illiteracy in the Durban region.
- Narismulu, S. 2001. An evaluation of first year learners’ response to the library orientation programme at the B.M. Patel Library of the M.L. Sultan Technikon.
- Mquatu, F. 2001. An investigation of library and information service employers’ views on the status of the National Diploma: Library and Information Studies and the B.Tech.: Library and Information Studies in the work environment.
- Majola, K. 2000. A survey of staff training and development programmes in technikon and university libraries in the Durban area.
- Mkhize, T. 2000. An evaluation of AGRI 220, a library user education programme offered by the Life Sciences Library of the University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg campus.
- Chetty, N. 1998. A housebound service by the New Germany Public Library for senior citizens: an exploratory study.
- Krishna, K. 1998. An investigation into the need for an orientation programme at the Musgrave Library, Durban.
- Armugen, R. 1998. An interest profile of ‘guardians’ of Grade 0 pupils at Oceanview Primary School.
- Somers, N. 1998. A study of the users’ of the Killie Campbell Library and their needs.
Materials development:
Produced learner guides and other instructional material in various instructional offerings taught. Produced a 90-page workbook of practical examples in Information Retrieval with suggested answers intended to reinforce theoretical concepts and practical application in descriptive cataloguing, bibliographic classification and assigning of subject headings. Developed this into a teaching and learning resource that has been published by Chandos, London (refer to Publications section above).
Administrative duties:
Performed general administrative duties pertaining to the general running of the Library and
Information Studies Programme, DUT e.g. selection of students, registration of students, attending to general problems from students, setting up of Advisory Board meetings, preparation of documentation for quality assurance procedures, etc.
Interaction with industry:
- Interaction with industry was mainly via monitoring of students in work-integrated training. This monitoring involved visits to the work place which is invaluable in maintaining contact with practitioners. This provided valuable feedback for curriculum development. It also provided the department with a good assessment of job opportunities available to its diplomates and graduates and of the LIS job market as a whole for purposes of curriculum planning.
- Served as the DLIS co-ordinator for setting up of Advisory Board meetings. This involved setting up of the Board which is made up of representatives from the various sectors in LIS services as well as from LIS education and training, drawing up of agendas and organising the actual meetings. This afforded much valuable contact and interaction (for purposes of teaching and research) with practitioners in the LIS field as well as with LIS educators.
Research supervision:
Completed masters’ dissertations:
- Naidoo, S. 2011. The impact of the digital divide on information literacy training of Extended Curriculum Programme students at the Durban University of Technology. (Library and Information Studies Programme – Durban University of Technology) – awarded cum laude
- Rajagopaul, A. 2008. A comparative study of the job functions of university and university of technology graduates and diplomates in special libraries and engineering forms. (Library and Information Studies Programme, Department of Information and Corporate Management, Durban University of Technology) – awarded cum laude
- Khomo, M. 2007. Membership of the Library and Information Association of South Africa (LIASA) among library and information service workers in KwaZulu-Natal. (Department of Library and Information Studies, Durban University of Technology)
Completed PhD theses:
- Buchanan, N. 2008. A history of the University of Natal Libraries, 1910 to 2003. (Information Studies Programme, School of Sociology and Social Studies, University of KwaZulu-Natal) – co-supervised with Prof. Christine Stilwell
Current supervision: Doctoral supervision:
- Rajkoomar, M. The development of a framework for blended learning in the delivery of Library and Information Science Curricula at South African universities. (Library and Information Studies Programme – Durban University of Technology); due to be completed in 2012.
- Rajagopaul, A. The special library sector in South Africa: a study of its shape and size. (Library and Information Studies Centre – University of Cape Town).
- Maisiri, E. Zimbabean curio makers as indigenous knowledge producers: an evaluation of relevant KM models (working title). (Department of Library and Information Science, National University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe).
External examining:
External examiner for masters’ studies at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (Information Studies Programme). Examined:
- Neerputh, S. 2004. Developing guidelines for performance appraisal of subject librarians in KwaZulu Natal academic libraries.
- Naidoo, C. 2007. The provision of religious and cultural information by the reformed Hindu organisations in the greater Ethekwini region.
- Naidoo, L. 2009. The merging of the library catalogue of the Edgewood College of Education Library with the library catalogue of the University of Natal, Durban.
- Nampeya, C. 2009. The use of cataloguing tools and resources by cataloguers at the University of Malawi Libraries and the Malawi National Library Service in providing access to information and materials.
- External examiner for master’s study at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (Digital Media). Examined:
- Finlayson, A.J. 2010. Patterns of use of web-based library e-resources among students on the Howard College Campus of the University of KwaZulu-Natal.
- External examiner for PhD study at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (Information Studies Programme). Examined:
- Lwehabura, M J. 2006. The status and practice of information literacy for teaching and learning in four selected Tanzanian universities
- External examiner for: Organisation and Access to Resources module in the School Library Development and Management programme (University of KwaZulu-Natal) – continuing
- External examiner for: Information Literacy in the School of Sociology and Social Studies (University of KwaZulu-Natal) – up to 2009
- External examiner for: Cataloguing (Postgraduate Diploma: Information Studies) in the School of Sociology and Social Studies (University of KwaZulu-Natal) – up to 2009
- External examiner for: Subject Analysis (Postgraduate Diploma: Information Studies) in the School of Sociology and Social Studies (University of KwaZulu-Natal) – continuing
- External examiner for: Information Sciences and Agencies (Postgraduate Diploma: Information Studies) in the School of Sociology and Social Studies (University of KwaZulu- Natal) – 2012
- External examiner for Information Storage and Retrieval (Information Science Honours) in Department of Library and Information Science (University of Zululand) – 2008-2009
- External examiner for: Information Science 411 – Information and Communication Technology Applications in Library and Information Services (B.Bibl.) (University of the Western Cape) – 2012
- External examiner for: Information Science 412 – The Internet and World Wide Webb (B.Bibl.) (University of the Western Cape) – 2012
Appointed for a three-year period (beginning November 2010) as External Examiner for the Library and Information Science Programme (undergraduate, honour’s and master’s) in the Faculty of Communication and Information Science, National University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe. Includes on-site examination.
- Since 2005 I have served on the Editorial Advisory Board of the South African journal of libraries and information science (South African peer-reviewed/accredited journal) and in this capacity I have reviewed (and continue to review) manuscripts for publication in the journal.
- Since 2009 I have been called on to review manuscripts for Innovation: journal of appropriate librarianship and information work in Southern Africa (South African peer- reviewed/accredited journal)
- In 2011 I was invited to serve on the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of Gender, Information and Development in Africa (international peer-reviewed/accredited journal) and in this capacity I have reviewed manuscripts for publication in the journal.
- Requested by the Information Studies Programme, University of KwaZulu Natal to review papers by Dr Andrew Kaniki (2005) and Prof. Christine Stilwell (2006) in published proceedings of international and national conferences, for purposes of DoE funding.
- Requested by RETIG (Research and Education and Training Interest Group of LIASA) to review abstracts submitted by students for the RETIG Student Interest Group session of the 2005 and 2006 LIASA Annual Conference (for purposes of NRF funding).
- Since 2005 I have served on the Programme Committee of the LIASA Annual Conference and in this capacity I have reviewed abstracts for papers in the main section of the Conference (both plenary and parallel sessions). I also provide input into the programme layout and choice of keynote and invited speakers.
- In 2010, requested by the NRF to evaluate the quality of research outputs in an application by an Associate Professor to the National Research Foundation for rating. Submitted report to the NRF in October 2010.
Editorial responsibilities:
- Associate Editor for the 2004 issue of REBOC (Faculty of Commerce, Durban University of Technology research journal).
- Invited in 2005 by the Editor-in-Chief of the South African journal of libraries and information science (a peer-reviewed and DoE accredited journal) to serve on its Editorial Advisory Board. I have served on this editorial board since 2005.
- Invited in 2011 by the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Gender, Information and Development in Africa (international peer-reviewed/accredited journal) to serve on its Editorial Advisory Board.
Journal management:
- In 2010 appointed Editor for South African journal of libraries and information science (South African peer-reviewed/accredited journal).
- Guest Editor, special open access launch issue – South African journal of libraries and information science (2012)
Requested by the Dean, Faculty of Humanities, Development and Social Sciences (University of KwaZulu-Natal) in 2009 to provide a referee’s report regarding Professor Christine Stilwell’s application for promotion to the rank of Senior Professor.
Independent Research:
Focus: Towards the development of a LIS services work place model that tracks professional and
paraprofessional career paths. The purpose of such a model is to assist LIS employers in developing staff structures that will incorporate both professional and paraprofessional staff in a non-conflicting manner. The research had been linked to capacity building among black women students (as researchers and academics) through grant holder bursaries and other funding at 4th year and master’s level research and through assisting with junior level teaching. Papers in accredited journals as well as completed 4th level and masters’ studies have resulted from this research. As part of this independent research, I also undertook study visits (funded by the NRF and the DUT) to Canada (2005) and Australia (2006) where I engaged librarians and/or LIS academics on the above research area at the University of Montreal, McGill University, John Abbott College, Curtin University of Technology, University of New South Wales, Sydney University of Technology, as well as LIS personnel in various public libraries in Montreal. I also engaged with the LIS professional bodies (CLA and ALIA) in both these countries. Insights from these scoping exercises enriched qualitative data collection towards my independent research and contributed to accredited journal papers interrogating the synergies in LIS offerings between different types of higher education institutions and the implications of this for the information services work environment (see Publications).
- Teaching: I had for many years guided and provided support to colleagues and postgraduate assistants towards the delivery of quality instructional offerings that focus not only on vocational aspects but on general education and lifelong learning that would make the student adaptable in an era of change and rapid technological development.
- Research supervision: I had contributed to building supervision capacity among colleagues to deal with the increased demand for postgraduate studies in the Faculty. In 2009 I started a supervision support group (facilitated by myself) which met regularly to discuss problems and issues related to research projects allocated to colleagues for supervision. Exemplars of research proposals, completed projects, rubrics of assessment criteria for research proposals and completed projects, and material on key aspects in the research process (sampling, data analysis, etc.) were provided as support material.
- Research output: As this was an area the University (DUT) sought to grow, I guided colleagues and senior students in the preparation of papers for publication and conference presentation. I offered advice, guidance and support on crafting of papers from completed studies. I worked through drafts of papers and also published or presented with young graduates on their first papers to mentor them through the process. Using my research funds earned from the DoE through my own publications, each year I aimed to send a student who had completed a research study to a national or international conference to present findings of the study.
Since relocating to the Western Cape, I have been involved in mentoring and coaching LIS practitioners in abstract preparation, embarking on research and crafting research papers for conference presentation and journal publication. See Workshop facilitation section.
Faculty Research Co-ordinator:
Responsibilities included:
- Championing research and publication in the Faculty of Accounting and Informatics, DUT with the intention of increasing output in these areas.
- Organising workshops in the areas of proposal writing, dissertation preparation, journal publications, etc.
- Convening the Annual Faculty Research Day which involved putting out the call for papers, reviewing abstracts, drawing up the programme for the conference, publishing a book of abstracts, organising the conference, adjudicating best papers, etc.
- Organising once-a-term research-in-progress research seminars to track the progress of masters’ and doctoral students registered in the Faculty.
- Present a once-a-term report to Faculty Board on progress in the Faculty in terms of research and publications.
Chair of the Faculty Research Committee (FRC):
Responsibilities included:
- Convening scheduled and special FRC meetings.
- Providing the agenda for FRC meetings.
- Chairing discussions on masters’ and doctoral proposals submitted to the FRC for Faculty approval before forwarding to the Higher Degrees Committee of the University.
- Chairing discussions on ethics relating to research proposals submitted to the FRC and whether ethics clearance should be provided.
- Liaising with the Faculty Officer regarding procedures involved in the appointment of examiners for masters’ and doctoral dissertations and in the handling of examiners’ reports.
- Representing the Faculty on the Higher Degrees Committee (HDC) of the University – expected to, inter alia, speak to agenda items regarding masters’ and doctoral research proposals from the Faculty seeking HDC approval.
- Representing the Faculty on the Institutional Research Committee of the University – expected to, inter alia, speak to agenda items relating to research ethics issues emanating from the Faculty.
Contract Researcher and Senior Lecturer in the Centre for Information Literacy (CHED) at the University of Cape Town (2010-2011)
- Re-curriculated the Information Literacy module (LIS1003S Information Society: Tools and Skills) taught across the Humanities Faculty.
- Researched the CHEC (Cape Higher Education Consortium) InfoLit Online Learning Site towards customising it for UCT Information Literacy teaching – recommendations made to the Centre for Information Literacy.
- Taught (2010) Information Society in Africa, Evaluation of Information and
- Digitization in the LIS1003S Information Literacy course.
- Convened/taught (2011): User Groups and Information Use (LIS4087), Interpersonal Communication Skills (LIS4000) and the Self-study Research Paper (LIS4089) in the Post-graduate Diploma in Information and Library Studies; as well as the LIS1003S (Information Society: Tools and Skills).
Associate Professor and Head: Library and Information Studies Centre, University of Cape Town
Providing academic and intellectual leadership in a new chapter of LIS studies at the University of Cape Town.
Professional Membership and Associations
- Member of the Library and Information Association of South Africa (LIASA)
- Member of Research and Education and Training Interest Group (RETIG) of LIASA.
- Invited by LIASA in 2004 to serve on its CEPD (Standing Committee for Continuing Education and Professional Development).
- Member of Senate, Durban University of Technology (2005-2009).
- Member (and Chair) of the Faculty Research Committee, Faculty of Accounting and Informatics, Durban University of Technology (2008-2009).
- Member of Women in Research (WIR) Committee, DUT (Faculty of Accounting and Informatics representative) (2008-2009)
- Served as a representative of the ICT School, Faculty of Commerce (DUT) on the Assessment Policy Task Team.
- Served on the Programme Committee of the UKZN-LIASA Merger Conference, April 2006.
- Chaired sessions at various conferences: DLIS-LISA Annual Conference (University of Zululand), September 2005, September 2006, October 2007; Faculty of Commerce (DUT) Research Day, September 2005, 2007; UKZN-LIASA Merger Conference, April
- 2006; Conference of the East, Central and Southern African Library and Information Associations (SCECSAL), Lusaka, Zambia, July 2008.
- Member: Higher Degrees Committee (DUT) (2008-2009)
- Member: Institutional Research Committee (DUT) (2008-2009)
- Dean’s Advisory Committee (UCT) (2012- )
- Faculty Board (Humanities Faculty – UCT) (2012- )
- Centre for Educational Technology (UCT) Advisory Board (2012- )
- I was the editor of quarterly school newsletter (Holy Family College)
- I was a member of the Parent-Teachers’ Association (Holy Family College)
- Adjudicator-Schools’ storytelling competition-Ethekweni Municipal Libraries
- Participant in and contributor to the cultural activities at the Rylands (Western Cape) Hindu Temple.
- I have been mentoring and work-shopping public librarians in research and writing for publication to build research capacity in this sector of LIS (2010-2011).