Degrees Held
- MA in Sociology (1986) and Ph. D (1993) (University of Kerala, India)
Research Interests
- Sociology of Science
- Communication
- Non-Governmental Organizations
- Family Studies
Teaching Interests
- Research Methodology
- African Societies: The changing sociological landscape. Palgrave. Switzerland.
- Family Influence on Adolescent Sexual Behaviour in South Africa (with Emma Shuvai Chikovore). Palgrave/Springer. Switzerland.
- Researching the ‘New Normal’ Social World: Methodological Adaptations and Innovations Post-Pandemic. Coedited with V. Ojong. Routledge
- Independent Africa, Dependent Science Scientific Research in Africa:
- Sociology Global: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. Anthem Press, New York (
- Political Processes and Social Transformation in Kerala. Co-edited with MK George and PT Mathew. Written Words, New Delhi (
- The Oxford Handbook of Sociology of Africa, Co-edited with N.E. Khalema. Oxford University Press, New York.
- Doctoral Training and Higher Education in Africa (co-edited with C. Scherer). London and New York: Routledge
Scientometrics for the Humanities and Social Sciences. London: Routledge
- Science, Policy and Development in Africa. London: Cambridge University Press.
- Management Studies in South Africa: Exploring the Trajectory in the Apartheid Era and Beyond (Coauthored with S. Ruggunan). Palgrave Macmillan.
- Networks of Communication in South Africa: New Media, New Technolgies: Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press
- Sociology in South Africa: Colonial, Apartheid and Democratic Forms Basingstoke, Hampshire and New York: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-3-319-40324-3 (Hb).
- Transforming Science in South Africa: Development, Collaboration and Productivity. Hampshire and New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- NGOs in India: A Cross-sectional Study (with KD Gangrade), Indian Reprint. New Delhi: Rawat Publications. ISBN 81-316-0020-3
- Managing Water and Water Users: Experiences from Kerala, (co-editor). University Press of America, Lanham, MD, USA, ISBN 0-7618-25557-6
- NGOs in India: A Cross-sectional Study (co-author), Greenwood Press, Westport, CT. USA, ISBN 0-318-31954-5
- Climbing Up: The Story of Palmyrah Workers’ Development Society (co-author) PWDS, Tamil Nadu, India
- Extension in Higher Education: Evolving New Models, (co-editor), Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, India, ISBN 81-259-0650-9
- Consumption to Consumerism: In the Context of Kerala, Classical Publishing Company, New Delhi., India, ISBN 81-7054-256-X
- Science in Participatory Development, (co-author), Zed Books, London. Also published in India under the title Science for Social Revolution? Achievements and Dilemmas of a Development Movement — The Kerala Sastra Sahitya Parishad , Vistaar Publications (a division of Sage), New Delhi, India
- Why is Public Policy Implementation Difficult in Developing Countries? Analysis of E-Government Implementation in Lesotho (Coauthored with M. Matsieli), Journal of Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities, 8, 303–317.
- Familial Factors in Early Pregnancy Among Adolescents and Young People: An Explanatory Study of Adolescents in Cape Town, South Africa (coauthored with E.S. Chikovore). Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 53, 258–282. DOI: 10.3138/jcfs.53.2.060
- “Science in Africa: Contemporary Trends in Research.” Journal of Scientometric Research, Vol. 10, No. 3.pp. 366–372. DOI: 10.5530/jscires.8.1.x
- “International Nongovernmental Organisation Coping Strategies in a Hostile Authoritarian Polity in Post-2000 Zimbabwe.” (Coauthored with E. Ntini), Journal of African Foreign Affairs (JoAFA), Vol. 8, No.2, pp.101-129.
- “Evaluation of E-Government Websites in Lesotho: An Empirical Study.” (Coauthored with M. Matsieli). African Journal of Governance and Development, Vol. 10, No.1, 80-97.
- ”Transforming the Public Sector through ICTs: Content Analysis of the E-Government Websites of the Ministries of the Government of Lesotho.” (Coauthored with M. Matsieli). African Journal of Development Studies (AJDS), Vol. 11, No.1, pp.55-77.
- Scientometrics for the study of sociology.” International Sociology, Vol. 35, No. 5, pp.. 461-479.
- Research productivity in science and its relationship to race in South Africa. (coauthored with Mtshali, M. N. G). South African Journal of Science, 116(3/4).
- A research-inducing environment at a University of Technology in South Africa: Challenges and future prospects (coauthored with Mduduzi Nkosinathi Gladwin Mtshali). Futures, Vol.111, pp.194-204.
- Scientific knowledge in South Africa: information trends, patterns and collaboration. Scientometrics,
- “Africa’s challenges in the OA movement: risks and possibilities” (coauthored with Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva, Kwabena Osei Kuffour Adjei, Christopher M. Owusu-Ansah, and Mulubrhan Balehegn). Online Information Review,
- “The Sovereign State of Zimbabwe and its Resistance to Repressive Neoliberal Democracy. (coauthored with E. Ntini). AFFRIKA: Journal of Politics, Economics and Society, Vol. 8, No.2, pp.101-122
- “The production of science in Africa: An analysis of publications in the science disciplines, 2000–2015.” Scientometrics. Vol. 115, No. 1, pp. 317–349.
- “Sociological research and collaboration in South Africa: Past and present.” International Sociology Reviews, Vol. 32, No. 5, pp. 567-586.
- Do types of collaboration change citation? A scientometric analysis of social science publications in South Africa.” Scientometrics. Vol. 111, pp.379–400.
- “Human Resource Management research in South Africa: a bibliometric study of authors and their collaboration patterns.” (co-authored with S. Ruggunan). Journal of Contemporary Management. Vol. 13, pp. 1394-1427.
- Editorial to the special issue on ‘The Family in Transition: A View from South Africa.’ Journal of Comparative Family Studies. Vol. 47, No. 3, pp. 293-295.
- “The family in modern South Africa: Insights from recent research.” (co-authored with M. Makhoba). Journal of Comparative Family Studies. Vol. 47, No. 3, pp. 309-322
- “Scientific networks in the production of knowledge in South Africa.” South African Journal of Science. Vol. 112, Nos. 5/6, pp.1-3.
- “Producing information: communication and collaboration in the South African scientific community.” Information, Communication & Society. Vol. 19, No.2, pp. 141-159.
- “New Media and Information: For Democratization and Management.” Review Essay.Journal of Third World Studies. Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 365-376.
- Editorial to the special issue on ‘Families in Africa: Some Cases.’ Journal of Comparative Family Studies. Vol. XLVI, No. 1, pp. 1-8.
- “Studies on African Families: In Hindsight.” (co-authored with R. Chetty). Journal of Comparative Family Studies. Vol. XLVI, No. 1, pp. 21-37.
- “Sociological research in South Africa: Post-apartheid trends.” International Sociology. Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 119-133.
- “Internet technology and the epistemic strategies of scientists in post-apartheid South Africa: Race as a decisive factor.” Technology in Society, Vol. 40, pp.73-81.
- “Trends in media and communication studies: Toddlers, media consumption, and development communication. ” Review Essay.International Sociology. Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 81-88.
- ”Publication Productivity and Collaboration of Researchers in South Africa: New Empirical Evidence.” Scientometrics,98:531-545.
- ”Inside the mobile world and outside the Internet.” Review Article.New Media and Society. Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 165-170.
- “Scientific Collaboration in South Africa.” South African Journal of Science. Vol. 109, Nos. 5/6, pp.1-5.
- ” Microcredit, Self Help Groups and NGOs in the Alleviation of Poverty: An Overview.” Social Action, Vol. 63, No.2, pp.165-179.
- “Scientific research in the natural sciences in South Africa: A scientometric study.” South African Journal of Science. Vol. 109, Nos. 7/8, pp.1-11.
- Guest Editor for the special issue on The Indian Family. Journal of Comparative Family Studies,Vol. 43, No.2
- “The Indian Family: The Need for a Revisit.” Journal of Comparative Family Studies,Vol. 43, No.2, pp. 1-11.
- “Collaboration in South African Engineering Research.” South African Journal of Industrial Engineering. Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 18-26.
- “Communication, youth, social change and…” International Sociology. Review essay. Vol. 26, No. 5, pp. 604-612. .
- “Scientific publications of engineers in South Africa, 1975-2005.” Scientometrics. Vol. 86, No. 1, 211-226.
- “The visibility of engineering research in South Africa.” South African Journal of Industrial Engineering. Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 1-12.
- “Medical research in South Africa: A scientometric analysis of trends, patterns, productivity and partnership.” Scientometrics. Vol. 84, No. 3, pp. 863-885.
- “Scientific publications of engineers in South Africa, 1975-2005.” Scientometrics. DOI 10.1007/s11192-010-0288-3.
- “The internationalization of South African medical Research, 1975-2005.” South African Journal of Science.Vol.106, No.7/8, pp.19-25. DOI: 10.4102/sajs.v106i7/8.321
- “Science and Scientific Collaboration in South Africa: Apartheid and After.” Scientometrics, Vol 84, No. 2, pp,373-390.
- “Can the Centre-Periphery Model Explain Patterns of International Scientific Collaboration among Threshold and Industrialised Countries? The Case of South Africa and Germany.” (with Torben Schubert), Scientometrics. Vol. 83, No. 1, pp.181-203.
- “Mobile Phones: Appropriation, Uses and Consequences” Review essay, New Media and Society. Vol. 11, No. 6, pp. 1061-68.
- “Do Types of Collaboration Change Citation? Collaboration and Citation Patterns of South African Science Publications.” Scientometrics. Vol. 81, No. 1, pp.177-193.
- “Collaboration and Publication: How Collaborative are South African Scientists?” Scientometrics. Vol.80, No. 2, pp. 421-441.
- “Untangling the Technology Cluster: The Effects of Mobile Phone and Email Use on the Location of Social Ties.” (with Paige Miller and Wesley Shrum), New Media and Society.Vol. 10, No. 5, pp. 729-749.
- “Untouchability in Modern India.” Review essay, International Sociology.Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 287-97
- “Scientific Collaboration and the Kerala Model: Does the Internet Make a Difference?” (with Marcus Ynalvez, Ricardo B. Duque, and Wesley Shrum), Journal of International Development.Vol. 19, No. 7, pp. 982-96.
- “Behind the Scenes: Making Research Films in Sociology.” International Sociology .Vol. 22, No. 5, pp. 549-565
- “Understanding Consumerism in Kerala.” Social Action . Vol. 57, No. 1, pp. 1-13.
- “Does the Internet Promote Collaboration and Productivity? Evidence from the Scientific Community in South Africa.” (with Wesley Shrum), Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication . Vol. 12, No. 2.pp. 733-751.
- “The Sample Survey: Persistent Issues and Emergent Trends.” The Indian Journal of Social Work . Vol. 67, No.1 and 2, pp. 45-60
- “Gender and Science in Developing Areas: Has the Internet Reduced Inequality?” (with B Paige Miller, Meredith Anderson, Antony Palackal and Wesley Shrum) Social Science Quarterly . Vol. 87, No. 3, pp. 679-89.
- “Collaboration Paradox: Scientific Productivity, the Internet, and Problems of Research in Developing Areas.” Coauthor, Social Studies of Science . Vol. 35, No. 5
- “Microfinance and Women Self-help Groups in Kerala: Loans for Members or Others.” Social Action . Vol. 55, No. 1, Jan-Mar, pp. 55-71
- “Microfinance and Women in Kerala: Is Marital Status a Determinant in Savings and Credit-use?” Sociological Bulletin . Vol. 54, No.1, Jan-Apl. 2005, pp. 59-76
- “When Do Scientists “Adopt” the Internet? Dimensions of Connectivity in Developing Areas.” Coauthor. Scientometrics . Vol. 63, No.1, pp. 39-67
- “Is Kerala Becoming a Knowledge Society? Evidence from the Scientific Community.” coauthor, Sociological Bulletin . Vol. 53, No. 2, May-Aug, pp. 207-21
- “The NGO Sector: Lessons from Kerala.” The Indian Journal of Public Administration . Vol. XLVIII, No. 2, Apl-Jun 2002, pp. 165-82
- “Mobilising Rural Poor: Mantrangal of PWDS.” Gandhi Marg , Vol. XXI, No.2, Jul-Sept 2001, pp.193-209
- “Life Cycle: Two NGOs in Rural Development,” co-author. Gandhi Marg, Vol.XXI, No. 4, Jan-Mar, pp.431-45.
- “Political Participation of Women: The Case of Women Councillors in Kerala, India.” (with Renjini.D). Journal of Third World Studies, Spring 2000, Vol. XVII, No.1, pp.45-60.
- “Infrastructure, Academic Standards and Performance: A study of selected schools in Kerala.” New Frontiers in Education, Vol. XXIX, No.2, April-June, pp.173-93.
- “Entering the New Millennium: NGOs in India.” IASSI Quarterly, Vol.XVII, No. 2, Oct-Dec., pp.21-35.
- “Child Labour in Kerala: The working ambience of child labourers in the capital city.” Journal of Third World Studies, Fall 1998, Vol. XV, No.2, pp.31-52.
- “Child Labour in Kerala: Work and Working Conditions of Child Labourers in Three Major Cities.” Social Action, Vol.48, No.1, Jan-Mar., pp.47-57.
- “NGOs in Development: An Overview.” Kerala Sociologist, Vol. XXV, No.1, June, pp.48-63.
- “Voluntary Action in India: A Synoptic View.” (with KD Gangrade) IASSI Quarterly, Vol.XIV, Nos. 3 & 4, Jan-Jun 1996, pp.32-41.
- “The Advent of Consumerism: The Context of a Developing Society – Kerala.” Social Action, Vol.46, No.3, Jul-Sep 1996, pp. 309-24.
- “Self financing Higher Education: The Case of a University.” Kerala Sociologist, Vol.XXIII, Dec. 1995, pp.73-84.
- “Child Rape: Facets of a heinous crime.” (with KD Gangrade and Renjini. D) Social Change, Vol.XXV, Nos. 2 & 3, Jun-Sep 1995, pp.161-76.
- “When Women Lead: Lessons from the Experience of a Women NGO.” review article, co-author, The Indian Journal of Public Administration, Vol. XL, No.4, Oct-Dec 1994, pp. 815-7.
- “Behind Consumerism: An Empirical Study.” Kerala Sociologist, Vol. XXII, No. 2, Dec 1994.
- Think tanks and governance in South Africa (coauthored with Bright Nkrumah). In Frank L.K. Ohemeng and Joseph R.A. Ayee (Eds.), Think tanks, Governance, and Development in Africa (pp.199–218). Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Researching the new normal and beyond: Methodological adaptations and innovations. (Coauthored with Vivian Ojong), In: Sooryamoorthy, R., & Ojong, V. (Eds.). Researching the ‘New Normal’ Social World: Methodological Adaptations and Innovations Post-Pandemic (pp. 1–13). Routledge.
Afterword: The way ahead. (Coauthored with Vivian Ojong), In: Sooryamoorthy, R., & Ojong, V. (Eds.). Researching the ‘New Normal’ Social World: Methodological Adaptations and Innovations Post-Pandemic (pp. 156–172). Routledge.
- Doctoral training in Africa: Taking stock (with C. Scherer) In: C. Scherer and R. Sooryamoorthy (Eds.), Doctoral Training and Higher Education in Africa (pp.1–17). Routledge.
- Understanding higher education in Africa from distinct geographies: Ref lections on the episteme of doctoral education (with C. Scherer) In: C. Scherer and R. Sooryamoorthy (Eds.), Doctoral Training and Higher Education in Africa (pp.18–35).. Routledge.
- Moving forward: Revitalising doctoral training in Africa (with C. Scherer) In: C. Scherer and R. Sooryamoorthy (Eds.), Doctoral Training and Higher Education in Africa (pp.184–199). Routledge.
- Cell phone use and Youth Perceptions of Communication in South Africa. In: S. Blair, P.N. Claster and S.M. Claster (Eds.). Technology and Youth: Growing Up in a Digital World. Sociological Studies of Children and Youth, Volume 19, 71-102. London: Emerald Publishing. ISSN: 1537-4661.
- “Behind the Scenes: Making Research Films in Sociology.” In: Jason Hughes (ed). SAGE Visual Methods. London: Sage Publications
- Kulisy krecenia filmów badawczych wsocjologii, (Polish translation of “Behind the Scenes: Making Research Films in Sociology.” in: Maciej Frackowiak and Krzysztof Olechnicki (eds.) Badania wizualne w dzialaniu. Antologia tekstów. Warszawa. Fundacja Nowej Kultury Bec Zmiana, pp. 177-200.
- ‘ICT and the Kerala Model’ (coauthored with Palackal, Sunderarajan, Kurien, Parayil and Miller). In: Wesley Shrum, Keith R. Benson, Wiebe E. Bijker and Klaus Brunnstein(eds.) Past, Present, and Future of Research in the Information Society. pp. 225-44.London: Springer ISBN: 0-387-32722-3.
- ‘Research Process and Connectivity in the Information Society’ (coauthored with Mbatia, Johnson, Okwach, Schaffer, Smith, Dryden, Hu, Bijker and Shrum).In: Wesley Shrum, Keith R. Benson, Wiebe E. Bijker and Klaus Brunnstein(eds.) Past, Present, and Future of Research in the Information Society.pp 245-70. London: Springer. ISBN: 0-387-32722-3.
- ‘Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs).’ In: Thomas M. Leonard (ed). Encyclopedia of the Developing World, Vol. 2, pp.1149-55. New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis, ISBN 0-415-97663-4.
- ‘Caste Systems.’ In: Thomas M. Leonard (ed). Encyclopedia of the Developing World, Vol. 1, pp.252-6. New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis, ISBN 0-415-97662-6.
- ‘Fast Dying River Systems: Periyar and Bharathapuzha Basins,’ In R. Sooryamoorthy and Antony Palackal (eds), Managing Water and Water Users: Experiences from Kerala. Pp. 67-78.University Press of America, Lanham, MD, USA. ISBN 0-7618-25557-6.
- ‘Kerala Connections: Will the Internet Affect Science in Developing Areas?’ (with Theresa Davidson and Wesley Shrum). In: Barry Wellman and Caroline Haythornthwaite, eds. Internet in Everyday Life. pp.496-519.Blackwell: Oxford. ISSN 0-631-23508-6.
- `The Uses, Abuses and Management of Two Major Watersheds in Kerala: The Bharathapuzha and Periyar Systems’ (with Barrie M. Morrison). In: Tony Beck, Pablo Bose and Barrie Morrison (eds). The Cooperative Management of Water Resources in South Asia, pp.267-74. CISAR, University of British Columbia, Canada.
- ‘NGOs in Development: The Case of Kerala, ’(with KD. Gangrade), In: Noorjahan Bava (Ed). NGOs in Development: Theory and Practice, Kanishka Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, pp. 221-254, ISBN 87-7391-177-0.
- “NGOs: Retrospect and Prospect,” (with KD. Gangrade) In: R.B.Jain (Ed) NGOs in Development Perspective, Vivek Prakashan, New Delhi, pp. 27-54, ISBN 87-7004-204-6.
Digital Video Movies
Collaboration Blues
- Language: English
- Duration: 22min, DVD
This movie shows how scientific collaboration could be a strenuous and long drawn process fraught with difficulties and problems despite the benefits it brings in. Revealed through the experiences of a long standing physical geographer in South Africa, the movie focuses on the personal and professional dimensions of scientific collaboration.
A Journey to Robben Island
- Language: English
- Duration: 20min, DVD
This movie takes us to Robben Island in South Africa which, since the 15th century, was used as a place of banishment, exile and prison. Set against the backdrop of apartheid and the struggle for democracy, the film is centred around the prison life of Nelson Mandela who spent 17 years of his imprisonment on this island.
Storing the Unstorable
- Language: English
- Duration: 11min, DVD
A group of botany students and their professor collect seeds and process in their cryotechnology laboratory. The film also shows different stages of seed processing that includes application of in vitro biotechnological processing.
Pat’s Seeds
- Language: English
- Duration: 40min, DVD
This movie is about Patricia Berjak, an internationally known seed scientist. She is widely recognised for her groundbreaking research in seed science. This film captures Patricia as a researcher, teacher, collaborator, mentor, supervisor, and a friend.
Awards and Honors
- 2024 Fellow of the University of KwaZulu-Natal.
- Prolific Researcher
Selected as one of the Prolific Researchers of the University of KwaZulu-Natal in 2011 and 2014. - Top 30 Researchers
Selected as one of the 30 Top Researchers at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in 2024.Selected as one of the 30 Top Researchers of the University of KwaZulu-Natal in 2010.
- NRF Rated Scientist