Degrees Held
- BA (1981) and BA Honours in Sociology (1983) University of Durban-Westville
- BA(SS) in Social Work (1996) University of South Africa
- MA Social Policy (1998) University of Durban-Westville
- PhD in Sociology (2000) University of Durban-Westville.
- Registered with the South African Council of Social Services Profession.
- NRF rated scientist
Teaching Interests
- Research Methodology, Sociology of Social Issues and Urban Sociology
Selected Publications
Book Chapters
Journal Articles
- 2023 Human Security Threats in Nigeria in the Post-Military Era – Reflections and Solutions with Hyginus Uzomah (Co-Authors). Orassu Publishing House. Congo ISBN: 723-765-185-587
- 2019 Boko Haram’s Terrorism and the Nigerian State: Politics, Federalism and Policies with Olumuyiwa Faluyi and O. Akinola Adeoye (Authors), Springer, Switzerland.
- 2014 (De)Monopolising Paradise – UNISA Press, Pretoria, South Africa. co-edited with Lubna Nadvi (eds)
- 2010 Contemporary Social Issues in Africa: Cases from Gaborone, Kampala and Durban co-edited with Mokong S. Mapadimeng. Published by Africa
Institute of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa - 2007 “Undressing Durban” Madiba Publishers, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban co-edited with R. W. Pattman, South Africa.
Book Chapters
- 2023 Culture and Gender Dimension on Educational Pursuit amongst Students of Higher Educational Institution – Study from the North-Central Region of Nigeria – with Babatunde Emmanuel Durowaiye. In Pillay R, Moonsamy S. and Mkwananzi, S. (Eds) Transforming Teaching and Learning Experiences for Helping Professions in Higher Education: Global Perspectives Chapter 5. 82-95 Brill. Leiden. DOI: 10.1163/97890045411_006
- 2022 Relocation Challenges in the Formal Low-Cost Human Settlement of Waterloo in the Durban Metropolis. In Masuku M M, Mtapuri, O, Sabela P T and. Mlondo, M.M. (Eds) Housing the Poor on the African Continent: Reconsidering Ubuntu Philosophy, Chapter 8 146-168: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. UK. ISBN (10): 1-5275-8952-8, ISBN (13): 978-1-5275-8952-0
- 2022 Social Disorganisation and Crime Smit J (ME), Ngantweni G. X, Alemika Etannibi EO, Botha, C and van Mollendorf, G (Eds) Policing in Africa: Towards an African Epistemology, Chapter 6. Juta. Cape Town 102-119: ISBN: 978 1 48514 010 8.
- 2022 ‘White Gold’ on a Rusty Spoon – Some Reflections on Indenture in South Africa, in Indians in South Africa: Perspectives from 1860 to the 21st Century. S.B. Singh (ed). Alternation African Scholarship Book Series. 68-85. CSSALL Publishers (Pty) Ltd ISBN: 978-0-9869937-1-8. ORCID ID:
- 2021 Socio-cultural and Economic Factors affecting Maternal Health Seeking Behavior in a Yoruba Community in Nigeria, in Understanding Contemporary Africa from Different Perspectives: Prospects and Challenges. J. Rudigi-Rukema et al (Eds). Eliva Press. 197-209. Chisnau, Moldova, Europe. ISBN 978-1-63648-524-9
- 2021 The Digital Divide: Teaching and Learning at the University of KwaZulu- Natal during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Lyon, K. A. & Tézlih, A (eds) The Digital Divide: Teaching and Learning at the University of KwaZulu-Natal during the Covid-19 Pandemic. International Sociological Association Pedagogy Series, Issue 1(1) 20-31.
- 2021 Residential Child and Youth Care Practice in South Africa in Residential Child and Youth Care in A Developing World: African Perspectives. Islam. T and Fulcher, L (Eds). Child and Youth Care Net. Cape Town. The CYC-Net Press ISBN 978-0-6399718-7-2
- 2021 Rural Land Reform and Local Economic Development Through Agri-Parks: A Case Study of Harry Gwala Municipality in KwaZulu-Natal. The New Political Economy of Land Reform in South Africa. Akinola, A. O., Kaseeram, I, Jili, N. N. (Eds.) Palgrave Macmillan179-197, Switzerland. Book ISBN 978-3-030-51129-6. Hardcover ISBN 978-3-030-51128-9. DOI10.1007/978-3-030-51129-6
- 2019 Land tenure and Family conflict in Rwanda: Case of Musanze District Trajectory of Land Reform in Post-Colonial African States. Adeoye O. Akinola and Henry Wissink (ed) with Joseph Rudigi Rukema Springer Germany 155-166 ISSN 2198-7262 ISSN 2198-7270 (electronic) Advances in African Economic, Social and Political Development ISBN 978-3-319-78700-8 ISBN 978-3-319-78701-5 (eBook)
- 2018 Urban Agriculture (UA), Food Security and Poverty Alleviation in Post-Apartheid Metropolitan Durban, South Africa in Adebusuyi Adeniran and Lanre Ikuteyijo (eds) Africa Now – Emerging Issues and Alternative Perspectives Palgrave and Macmillan 151-166, Switzerland. ISBN 978-3-319-62442-6 ISBN 978-3-319-62443-3 (eBook)
- 2016 Indian Diaspora Contribution to Social Welfare Services – Case of the Former Durban Indian Child Welfare Society in Pratap Kumar (ed) Contemporary Issues in the Indian Diaspora of South Africa, Serials Publication, New Delhi 136-163.
- 2015 South African Indian Muslim Community and its Role in Responding to International Disasters in Pratap Kumar (ed) Indian Diaspora: Socio-Cultural and Religious Worlds, Brill Publishers Boston 199-228 (with Gabralla, A.K and Ebrahim A.F.M) ISBN-13: 978-9004287983 ISBN-10: 9004287981
- 2015 Interfaith Marriages and Marital Stability amongst the Indian Diaspora in the Durban Metropolitan Area, South Africa in Pratap Kumar (ed) Indian Diaspora: Socio-Cultural and Religious Worlds, Brill Publishers Boston 177-198 (with Singh S.B.) ISBN-13: 978-9004287983 ISBN-10: 9004287981
- 2014 Development Public Policies, Emerging Contradictions and Prospects in the post-Apartheid South Africa in G.L. Ribiero, T. Dwyer, A. Borges and E.Viola (Eds) Social, Political and Cultural Challenges of the BRICS, ANPOCS, Langaa RPCIG, Brazil. 181-206.
- 2014 Introduction Chapter in (De)Monopolising Paradise, Khan S and Nadvi S(eds) Unisa Press, South Africa.
- 2013 Occupational Health and Safety Framework in the Global Era: A Study of Labour Brokers in the City of Durban Chapter in Yaruingam A.S. and Kapoor R (eds) Inside Africa – Contemporary Perspectives, Centre for African Studies, University of Delhi, Shipra Publishers, India (with Niranjan, I.)
- 2013 A Township Moulana’s Impact on the Lives of the Sunni Muslim Congregation in Chatsworth, South Africa and Internationally, in Vahed G and Desai A (eds) Chatsworth. University of KwaZulu-Natal Press, South Africa.
- 2013 Urban Sustainability Rhetoric and Neo-liberal Realities: Durban – A city in Transition. Chapter in Book, Michigan State University Press with Brij Maharaj, eds. Igor Vojnovic.
- 2011 Faith Based Humanitarian Assistance in response to Disasters: A study of the South African Muslim Diaspora Chapter in Book titled Comparative Emergency Management: Examining Global and Regional Responses to Disasters edited by Miller S. DeMond and Rivera, J.A, Rowan University, New Jersey, Taylor and Francis
- 2010 Introductory Chapter to book titled Contemporary Social Issues in Africa– Cases in Gaborone, Kampala, and Durban Published by Africa Institute of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa. (with Mokong S. Mapadimeng)
- 2010 Contesting Social Issues in the Pre and Post Democratic South Africa – The Emergence of New Social Movements Chapter in Book titled Contemporary Social Issues in Africa – Cases in Gaborone, Kampala, and Durban Published by Africa Institute of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa. (with Mduduzi G. Mtshali).
- 2010 Challenges Facing Poverty Relief Projects in the Urban Renewable Programme of Inanda in the eThekwini Municipality Chapter in Book titled Contemporary Social Issues in Africa – Cases in Gaborone, Kampala, and Durban Published by Africa Institute of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa.
- 2010 Direct Politics: The Struggle for Participative Spaces in Local Government Decision- Making in Heneicken L and Prozesky H (eds) Society in Focus – Change, Challenge and Resistance: Reflections from South Africa and Beyond Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK (with Jay Govender)
- 2008 Religion and Development Human Sciences Research Report South Africa (with Brij Maharaj, Adam Habib, Irwin Chetty, Merle Favis, Pearl Sithole and Reshma Sookrajh).
- 2007 Public Transport Challenges in Durban – Traveling the Road to the World Cup 2010 in Undressing Durban 144-155, Madiba Publishers, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban
- 2007 Undressing Durban – Introductory Chapter 15-62 Madiba Publishers University of KwaZulu-Natal Durban (with Rob W. Pattman)
- 2007 An Exploration of Pupil Enrolment Projections within KwaZulu -Natal:Implication for Teacher Demand analysis – Version 2 South African Journal of Higher Education 21(1)163-180 (with Labby Ramrathan and Fazel Khan.
- 2006 The state of Philanthropy amongst the Muslim Diaspora in South Africa in Diaspora Brill publishers Boston. (with Mohsin A. F. Ebrahim)
- 2003 Tribal Authority and Service Delivery in the Durban Uni-City in Government, Governance and Urban Territories in Southern Africa, Proceedings of the International Symposium, (eds) Mulenga, M and Dubresson A, Lusaka, University of Zambia, 155 – 180 (with Benoit Lootvoet).
- 2002 Infrastructure, Service Delivery and Local Government in Hindson D, Freund B, Lootvoet B and Bouillon A (eds) Governance, Urban Dynamics and Economic Development: A comparative analysis of the metropolitan areas of Durban, Abidjan and Marseilles Plumline Publishers Durban South Africa. 297-310 (with Benoit Lootvoet).
- 2002 Youth Participation in the Labour Force: Globalisation and Some critical Junctures for Youth Employment Policies in the post-Apartheid South Africa in Szell G, Chetty D, Chouraqi A (eds) Participation , Globalisation and Culture: International and South African Perspectives Peter Lang Frankfurt Germany. 285-303 (with David Hemson
- 2001 Tribal Authority and Service Delivery in the Durban Uni-City in Proceedings of International Symposium on Government, Governance and Urban Territories in Southern Africa Mark C. Mulenga and Alain Dubresson (eds) 115-182 University of Zambia.
- 1998 Urban Reconstruction, Development and Planning in the new South Africa: The Case of Durban in Dandekar H.C. (ed) City Space and Globalization – An International Perspective Michigan USA 143-150 (with Brij Maharaj).
Journal Articles
- 2024 Religion Behind Bars: Faith-based Programs in the Rehabilitation of Offenders in the Medium B Westville Correctional Center, Durban. Journal for the Study of Religion. Vol. 37 (2) 1-22. DOI:
- 2024 Nexus between Faith and Therapeutic Interventions in the Rehabilitation of Offenders: A Case Study of the Muslim Minority Community in South Africa. Southern African Journal of Social Work and Social Development, Vol. 36(2) 1-17.
- 2024 Homicide in Global Extremes-Exploring the Feasibility of EHM-based Analysis in Finland and South Africa. (with Kivivuori J., Singh B.S, Suonpä, K., Jagganath G., Raeste A., Murhula, P. B. B and Chetty. R. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, Vol. 40(3) 511–531, DOI: 10.1177/10439862241242868/ ID: 1242868
- 2023 Theorising a Theory of Ubuntu – the Divide between Individualism Compared to a Socialistic Understanding of African Society. African Journal of Social Work, 13(4), 217-223. ISSN Print 1563-3934 ISSN Online 2409-5605 (with Ntakana, U.M).
- 2022 Strategies to deal with child poverty in Africa: A case study of South Africa’s cash transfer policy. African Journal of Social Work, 12(1), 1-11 ISSN Print 1563-3934 5 ISSN Online 2409-5605
- 2021 Socio-Economic and Political Impact of Pandemics in the African Continent and Regional Mechanisms to Mitigate it. International Journal of Criminology and Sociology, 10, 1613-1623 E-ISSN: 1929-4409/21
- 2021 Religious Orientation and Positive Youth Development in the Southern Context. Indian Journal of Social Work 82(3) 353–368. DOI: 10.32444/IJSW.2021.82.3.353-368
- 2019 Transition from Shacks to Formal human settlements – Social Cohesion in Mt Moriah in the Metropolitan area of Durban, South Africa – African Sociological Review 23(1) 79-95
- 2019 Nigerian State and Boko Haram Terrorism – Reflecting on the Roles of Public Institutions. Ubuntu: Journal of Conflict and Social Transformation (1):29-49 (with Olumuyiwa Faluyi and O. Akinola Adeoye)
- 2018 Reflection on the Xenophobic Violence against African Migrants in South Africa – The Oriental Anthropologist 18(1): 1-17
- 2017 Current Trends in Postgraduate Research in the Social Sciences Alternation 24,1 (2017) 263 – 269 (Editorial with Kalpana Hiralal)
- 2017 Migration Dynamics in Western and Southern Africa Introductory Article Nordic Journal of African Studies 26(2): 79–87 (with Shanta Balgobind Singh – Editors)
- 2017 Cross Provincial Migration amongst the South African Indian Community. Nordic Journal of African Studies 26(2): 88–106
- 2017 The relativity of Socio-cultural Factors on Young Peoples Access to Higher
- Education in Africa. Journal of Higher Education in South Africa, 31(5) 31-48 (with Babatunde Durowaiye)
- 2016 Impact of Bollywood DSTV on Identity: A Study of a Select Group of South African Indians in the Metropolitan Area of Durban. Journal of Communication 7(2) 186-196
- 2016 Reflections on the Psycho-social Distress within the International Merchant Navy Seafaring Community Journal of Psychology 7(2) 53-60. (with Lydia Carol Dekker).
- 2015 Searching the Diasporic Roots: A Genealogical Journey into Family History Alternation Special Edition No. 15 226-248.
- 2015 “Legalise it, don’t Criminalise it”: The Cannabis Discourse in South Africa Acta Criminologica Southern African Journal of Criminology Special Edition No.3 167-179.
- 2015 Female Trans-border migration: Case of Rwandan women migrants in Durban, South Africa Oriental Anthropologist 15(2):123-138. (with Rudigi Rukema Joseph).
- 2015 Planning and Sustainable Development of Low Income Human Settlements in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Journal of Human Ecology, 50(1): 43-58. (with Wallis M.).
- 2015 Sustainable Local Economic Development (LED) and Rural Land Reform Challenges and Prospects in Post-Apartheid South Africa–A Policy Perspective. Journal of Economics Vol. 6 (1):8-17.
- 2014 Historical Evolution of Durban’s Public Transport System and Challenges for the Post-Apartheid Metropolitan Government in New Contree Vol. 70. Special Edition:173-194.
- 2014 The Theory and Praxis of Local Government – Finding an Ideal Model during the Transitional Period of Democracy in South Africa. Journal of Social Studies. Vol. 1(1):22-46. Inaugural Issue.
- 2014 Youth in Conflict with the Law – A Study of the Psycho-socio and Criminogenic Factors of South African Youth in Detention. Journal of Psychology, Vol. 5(2):105-114 (with Singh, S.B).
- 2014 The Economics of Transnational Organised Crime (TOC) in the Maritime Domain: Drug Trafficking in Africa and the Southern African Continent. Journal of Social Sciences. Vol. 41(3):523-534 (with Singh, S.B).
- 2014 Indigenous Knowledge Systems, Poverty Alleviation and Sustainability of Community-based Projects in the Inanda Region in Durban, South Africa. Studies of Tribes and Tribals Vol 12(2):187-199 (with Mtshali, M. N. G. and Raniga, T).
- 2014 “South Africa’s Maritime Security Bazaar”- The Bizarre Arms Deal and Collapse of its Newly Acquired State of Art Frigates to Protect the Maritime Sector. Man in India, 94(3):439-452.
- 2014 India and its Diaspora: making sense of Hindu identity in South Africa. Diaspora Studies 7(1)28–41 (with Gopal, N and Singh, S.B).
- 2014 South African Muslim Clergy and its Political Response to Colonialism and Apartheid. Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology 4:83-94.
- 2013 Rebranding of the Greater St Lucia Wetlands Park in South Africa: Reflections on Benefits and Challenges for the Former of St Lucia Journal of Human Ecology 43 (1) pp17-28 (with Chellan, N and Mtshali, M.) (Citations 6)
- 2013 Exploring the Contributions of Sporting Activities in Promoting Positive Youth Development (PYD) within a Developing Context of South Africa. Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology Special Edition 3 pp 29-39 (with Mayeza, E).
- 2013 Gender Perceptions of Crime and its Reduction amongst White South Africans in the Province of KwaZulu-Natal. The Oriental Anthropologist Vol.13 (2) pp397-410 (with Singh, S.B).
- 2013 Chronicling the Effects of the 2008 Xenophobic Attacks amongst a Select Group of Congolese and Burundian Women in the City of Durban. Alternation Special Edition 7 pp 176 – 196 (with Rukema Rudigi J).
- 2013 Interfaith Marriages in the Name of Love: Prospects for Marital Stability amongst a Group of People of Indian Origin in the Durban Metropolitan Area, South Africa . Man In India, 93 (4) pp 607-625 (with Singh, S.B).
- 2013 South African Indian Muslim Faith Based Organisations (FBOs) Response to International Disasters: Case Study of the Gift of the Givers Foundation . Man In India, 93 (4) pp 713-737 (with Gabralla A. K and Ebrahim AFM).
- 2013 The Rhetoric of Participation: A Study of the Planning and Development of Low-Income Human Settlements in the Province of KwaZulu-Natal Africanus, Journal of Development Studies Vol.43(1) pp 126 – 143 (with Khan, F and J Govender, J).
- 2013 Religious Co-existence: Tolerance and Contestation amongst Hindu and Muslim Faith Groups of Indian Origin in South Africa Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology 4(1-2): 149-157.
- 2012 Provision of Sustainable and Liveable Low Income Human Settlements in the Province of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa– An Analysis of Policy Contradictions and Challenges Journal of Human Ecology, 40(1): 17-31 (with Fazel Khan).
- 2012 Emerging Class Segregation and Social Polarisation in post-Apartheid Durban, South Africa The Oriental Anthropologist, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2012, Pages 67-88. (with Stephane Vermeulen).
- 2012 The “Chatsie Muslim” A Socio-historical Analysis of Muslims of Indentured Origin The Oriental Anthropologist, Vol. 12, No. 2, 2012, Pages 445-461
- 2012 Changing Family Forms, Patterns and Emerging Challenges within the South African Indian diaspora Journal of Comparative Family Studies pp.134-150.
- 2011 The Nature and Extent of Philanthropy Amongst the Rainbow South African Muslim Community Man in India Vol 91 (1) pp 169-193.
- 2010 Researching Postmodern Urban Spaces – Reflections on (re)Searching Gothenburg, Sweden Review Essay in Loyola Journal of Social Sciences Vol. XXIV No.2 pp204-216.
- 2010 Urban transportation and sustainability in South African Cities in International Journal of Urban Environment Vol. 4 pp 16-30 (with Stephane Vermeulen)
- 2009 Privatisation of Durban Public Transport and Challenges for an Emerging Metropolitan Transport Authority – Loyola Journal of Social Sciences XXIII (2) July-Dec 131-156 (With Benoit Lootvoet and Stephane Vermeulen)
- 2009 ‘Children of a Lesser God’: Contesting South Indian Muslim Identities in KwaZulu-Natal South African Historical Journal 61 (1)2009 86-102
- 2008 Contesting Ecotourism Development in the iSimangaliso Wetland Park (formerly known as the Greater St Lucia Wetlands Park) in KwaZulu-Natal Alternation Special Edition on Nature and People 15 (1) 268-289 (with Noel Chellan)
- 2007 Adapting to Participatory Forms of Development Planning in the eThekwini Municipality in Africanus – Journal of Development Studies 37(1)66-78 (with Jay P. Govender, and Sathi Moodley)
- 2006 Social Polarisation Introductory Chapter Alternation Special Edition 13(2)1-10 (with Rob W. Pattman)
- 2006 The Clash between Traditional and Modern Systems of Governance in the Durban Metropolis – A Tale of Two Administrative Civilizations Alternation Special Edition on Social Polarisation 13(2)174-197 (with Benoit Lootvoet and Evangelos A. Mantzaris).
- 2006 Indigenous Knowledge and the African Curriculum: A case study at the University of KwaZulu-Natal Alternation Special Edition on Higher Education, Higher Education Mergers and Africanisation 13 (1)279-297 (with Evangelos A. Mantzaris)
- 2006 Transcending Traditional forms of Governance: Prospects for
`Co-operative Governance and Service Delivery in Durban’s Tribal Authority Areas. Transformation – Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa Vol 62 84-117 (with Benoit Lootvoet and Shahid Vawda) - 2005 Privatisation, Worker Compromise and the Emergence of Quasi-Monopolies: The case of Durban Transport South African Labour Bulletin 29(2) 58-59 April/May
- 2004 Privatisation for a Better Regulation? Durban’s challenge for a better public Transport Autrepart Vol (32) 75 – 94 (Adrian Bellengere, Benoit Lootvoet and Stephane Vermeulin)
- 2004 An Exploration of Pupil Enrolment Projections within KZN: Implications for Teacher Demand Analysis Version 1 in Bulletin for Academic Staff and Students School of Educational Studies UKZN 14 (1) 72-88 (with Labby Ramrathan and Fazel Khan)
- 2004 Rich Cities: Poor Citizens – Decentralisation and Service Delivery Prospects in South African Metropolises Journal of Critical Dialogue 1(1)34-39 Centre for Public Participation, Durban.
- 2002 The causes of Marital Breakdown amongst the Disapora of Muslims of Indian Origin in Indian Journal of Social Work Vol 63 Issue 3 April 2002 378-403 (with Louw-Haardt Stears).
- 2002 Decentralisation in South Africa and its Cities: The Challenge in Durban Autrepart Vol 21 101-118 (with Benoit Lootvoet).
- 1998 Restructuring the Apartheid City – Cato Manor: “A Prime Urban Reconstruction Opportunity” Urban Forum Volume 9 No. 2 197-223 (with Brij Maharaj)
- Out of Sight Classroom –